Prayer Requests & Praises

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434 entries.
Dawn wrote on March 19, 2025 at 6:11 pm
Please pray for me I have so much pain in my body I'm hurting so bad I can't barely walk I have severe arthritis please pray for my sister she's going through hand surgery please pray that she recovers she can't feel nothing on her hands and please pray for her physical health that she heals and get back in good health please wait for my mom she would turn away from an evil wicked way of sin that she's committing she has a cyst growing in her stomach is getting big please pray that God will heal her from her cyst that it doesn't burst or pop I'm afraid of losing her please pray for her health please pray for me I have high blood pressure my blood pressure gets very high I start not feeling well still getting dizzy and lightheaded I have trouble breathing my oxygen keeps on cutting on and off and I'm so afraid I might need an oxygen machine I was on oxygen machine before I had severe bronchitis and almost took my life I damaged my whole inside of my lungs now I have shortness of breathing on and off I need healing that I can breathe better and breathe normally like everybody else I'm 52 years old I had severe ammonia when I was 32 almost killed me and took my life and it damaged my airwave pipe so now my breathing shuts off and on and that scares me please please pray I don't lose my house in my family is my conservator that she will fight and speak up for me at the time of trouble that she will get my back when the time of trouble that she would advocate for me in the time of trouble that she would speak up for me in the time of trouble that she would always be there and fend for me any time of trouble that she will fight that I keep my house and not lose my house and I live in a group home I pray I never lose my house and I've been there for her 5 years I'm very happy the landlord that owns the building is trying to use things against me to have me put out of the home she's trying to turn my conservator against me spreading lying gossip and rumors about me for my conservative to turn against me to have the owner put me out for no reason please pray to my conservative don't believe anything she says that make it so it will fight to keep where I'm staying living please pray the God will forgive my sins save my soul and rest my soul a peace and rest with him that I could be at peace in heaven with God that all my past and present since are forgive him that God will have mercy on all my sins from the past and the future that my soul peace the rest of peace with him and my family that God will forgive their sins I did so recipes with God too that they become a children of God to go open up their eyes and save them from their sins they go we heal them from their sins and forgive them for their sins my mom Janice my sister Amanda is coming to God little by little I pray that God will draw her closer to him and that he will forgive her sins that she can be at peace in heaven with him so to me me too and my mom Janice hell is real I feel hell for me and my family we I don't want us to perish down there so please play will be in heaven at peace with God thank God to save my soul and rest my soul a peace and rest with him and my family too please pray for my pet mouses people are very cruelness to God's creatures they are killing them poisoning and they're suffering and dying there are innocent creatures please pray for the protection no safety that there is no more than my pet mouse is when I die they will survive and live that God will protect them from the bait poison that is killing me that the mouse is will realize to stay away from it and go protect them and keep them safe in life then no more my pet mouse is when I die there are innocent creatures their purpose to be here like we are purpose to be here and I love all God's Nation all God's creatures I'm a creature lover please pray for my pet mouses that go watch over them and keep them safe in healthy amen 💔😭
Brother in Christ wrote on March 19, 2025 at 12:02 pm
Please pray for all of those Christians meeting tonight for prayer and Wednesday night services. Pray that Christ be lifted up, that they experience community with the family of God, and that God show Himself to them in a way He never has before.
Lilly wrote on March 1, 2025 at 4:10 am
Please pray for 2 (KM and BM) people unspoken. Thank you
Dawn wrote on February 28, 2025 at 9:37 pm
Please pray for me I have high blood pressure my body's in so much pain I can't barely move it hurts to move around my mom 😭 tumor going in your stomach please say she was healed and recover please pray for my system she's in a lot of hands pain he's very God would heal from the pain in her hands I live in a group home administrator in the owner threatened to put me out almost in the streets please pay my conservator that's my family will fight for me and protect my house we'll stick up for me and the time of trouble that I don't lose my house and in Christ is to be homeless in the streets please pray I keep my house shelled over my head that I don't be homeless that my conservative will believe everything I say is the truth that might conservative when I turn me down in the time of crisis and trouble. Please pray I keep my house and and that someday someday my conservative find other houses me in the near future please pray for my pet mouses that God treat this these people are so cruelness the poison them in killing them I tried to save them on vitamin k and save their lives please 🙏 that the vitamin k will work to save their lives and they will live lose my God will protect his creatures from Poison I'm trying to fight for them to keep them alive the people are killing them putting poison when I die that's a vitamin k will help him live please pray that God will save my soul and forgive all my sins that I'll be in heaven with them that God will forgive me he will heal me from all my sins that spiritually I will be healed and my family that God will forgive their sins and open up their eyes and save them spiritually that they could be in heaven too I fear fear of hell for my family and for myself amen 💔😭
K wrote on February 28, 2025 at 10:21 am
🙏important letter covered by Jesus blood, not misdirected, stolen, or delayed gets to destination by USPS
Dawn wrote on February 13, 2025 at 8:54 pm
My house is at crisis please pray I don't lose my house and I've been threatened to be homeless please pray for my pet mouses people are very cruelness and killing them my mom is my conservator please she will fight for me to keep my house 🏡 that she would stay by my side edible times of trouble 💔😞
James a. White wrote on February 10, 2025 at 7:53 pm
Please pray the Lord brings the right woman into my life to marry. I have had a lot of unusual things happen between me and a lady named Deanna. Pray GOD gives me revelation if she is the one and she shows real interest very soon. Pray the Lord makes this happen for me. I am very shy, timid person as well. Pray I overcome this and can pursue the right person for marriage soon..Pray I grow iin life and do the Lord will in life and ministry. Pray I do well at work and get along well with others, make friends. Pray the Lord blesses me and prospers me financially all all ways.
john wrote on February 7, 2025 at 9:29 am
Please pray D_johnson find housing and income soon. His current situation triggers his PTSD constantly. Please pray God protect him in current circumstances as He did the Psalmist in Psalms 23 and 37.
Ruben wrote on February 6, 2025 at 6:34 pm
Please pray for me. Please pray for my repentance and for faith and for my return to The LORD. For healing for my backsliding and body. Protection and Deliverance from the devil, my enemies and from any bondages and strongholds. For God's help, comfort, joy, strength, power and provision through the trials I am going through. Thanks.
wrote on February 2, 2025 at 9:06 pm
I’m certain a war will happen I just don’t want billions to perish based on 1 Chronicles 21:14 someone will pay for the people who die. They will be responsible and that’s a huge amount
Healing wrote on January 27, 2025 at 9:50 am
I need healing and I am ready to receive it in Jesus's Name, I am exhausted due to preDiabetes and high blood pressure, let all the organs and cells in my body be healed right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus, let us unite in prayer and reverse any negative changes, in His Name we cancel any negative changes and delete and damages were done, thank you, Jesus, for healing and full recovery so I won't be so weak and tired anymore and I can take care of my 3 little kids
derek wrote on January 17, 2025 at 7:19 am
Please pray God keeps a roof over my head until I can find housing. I have enemies (through no fault of my own) who undermine me both where I sleep and when I'm out and about in the rough streets around me. Pray for peace and deliverance.
Maurício wrote on January 13, 2025 at 2:18 pm
Pray by me and my family
Dawn wrote on January 9, 2025 at 2:16 am
Please pray for me and my family my mom has a tumor going in her stomach please pray that she will be healed please pray for my sister she has hand numbness you can't feel anything in her hands please pray for her healing please pray for my healing I asked if you knee pain I can't barely walk I have a heart murmur I have high blood pressure I'm borderline diabetic please pray for my healing in my recovery my family has a heart murmur please pray for them it's my sister Amanda it's me and it's my mom Janice please pray for my pets mouses people are hurting and killing them putting bait out and poisoning them please pray that none of the moral die the poisoned and being poisoned please write a God will protect them keep them safe from Poison they are his creatures and people are killing them he's probably I don't never lose my house in my house I will never be a Jeopardy I've been threatened to lose my house and please pray I would never lose my house and I'll be homeless I've been there for 4 years I am happy I'm afraid of losing my house in a fearful of losing it and people at the home has been threatened me 😞 please pray that God will forgive me my sins to get my family since please pray my mom Janice return away from a deadly sin but she's committing soon as possible before it's too late for her please pray that God will protect my sister when she's driving she's been in car accidents please pray that God will protect her at all times God will protect me at all times and my mom please pray to God will heal me from all my sins that God will claim me a snow for my sins that I could be spiritually alive again and get spiritually closer to God that God will heal me spiritually for my sins and my family's amen
dj wrote on December 29, 2024 at 9:53 am
I live in a place with several people who wear Satanic shirts, bags, hats, etc (I've researched the images). Simply wearing these things isn't the unforgivable sin though, so I ask prayer for their salvation.
Dawn wrote on November 11, 2024 at 12:38 am
Pray pray for my family my mom has a tumor growing in her stomach my sister's going through hand surgery she's feeling numbness in her hands please pray for me I have high blood pressure borderline diabetic I have severe pains in my knees like a valley walk I have a heart rumor my mom my sister has one to please pray for healing for our health 💓 the landlord wants to sell the house 🏠 I live in a group home I'm at peace and I'm happy where I'm living it feels like home to me but she wants to sell the houses 😭 it does not sell because us residents we have no place to live she doesn't care about the residents or she cares is about the money that's how greedy she is please play at the wildfire in Connecticut please play rain it's been dry for 3 weeks almost a month the the wildfire spreading also Connecticut we haven't had no rain my sister lives by a bunch of wooden area is that the forest fire doesn't hit her area where she lives the God will keep her safe from the forest fire hitting her area please I don't lose my house at all please pay my conservator it's my mom my family she will fight for me she will advocate for me to keep my house she will speak up for me in the time of trouble you a fight for me anytime or trouble she is my mom and my sister they well advocate for me and fight for my battles in the time of trouble are in Christ please pray for my pet mouses people are very Cronus people put in bait and poison out to kill them they are suffering they don't deserve to something they are God's creature his creatures that no more of them would suffer and die from being poisoning that they will stay away from the bait that is killing them I'm trying everything I could do to protect them please pray the rest will live and not die please pray to God will protect me and my family from violence disastrous into this world evilness into this world 🌍 God will protect me and my family in the mouses for being killed that God will forgive me my sin my God will heal me spiritually bless me spiritually that all my sins are forgiven passing present I could be at peace with God my soul could be at peace with God knowing my sins are forgiven him the guy was saved for my sins and my family that God would heal me from my sins God Will save My soul rest my soul peace and rest and my family too amen 🔥🌧️😭🌍🏠
Dawn wrote on October 26, 2024 at 8:36 pm
Please pray for miracle healing for my mom Janice she has a growing tumor in her stomach please pray that she will be healed please pray for a miracle healing for my sister Amanda she's going through hand surgery she's in a lot of pain with her hands damn barely feel anything her hands are numb please pray for me for a miracle I have high blood pressure I have high cholesterol I have slight diabetic me and my family had heart rumor please pray I have a lot of pain in my knees I have severe arthritis in my in my knees I can't barely walk it's so painful I just pray that I recover from the things that I'm suffering from physically in my family please pray I have a special prayer request I have to say please pray for my pet mouses people are killing them putting bait in poison to kill them please pretty stay away from the baby in the poison please pray that they will survive and live they are God's creatures they don't deserve to suffer in God they deserve to live 🙏 I have another special prayer request I live in a group home the owners put in the house up for sale please for I don't get addicted out of my home I'm at peace and happy where I'm living please pray I go on waiting list for other agencies for opening in case the house goes for sale I have somewhere to live please pray I don't lose my house and I stay where I'm at I've been there five years I'm very peaceful and happy that please pray that God will keep my sister Amanda save when she's on the road but God will watch over her and protect her he's been in three car accidents please pray that God will keep me in my family safe from harm dangerous actress violence the God will watch over us and protect me and my family please pray 🙏 my conservator is my family that's my mom Janice please advocate for me he will fight and speak up for me she will stay by my side in the time of trouble because she would speak up for me and fight my battles in the time of trouble in my sister would stick up and fight and and advocate for me too to keep my house amen I love you all I'm praying for you all too you guys are in my blessings my heart my soul in my prayers thank you for your prayers 🙏 please pray for my sister Amanda there's wildfire in Connecticut please pray we get rain towards the wooden area in Connecticut and there is wildfires who's my first safety and her protection that the wildfire don't spread near where she is that God will keep her safe and that we get rain soon as possible because the fire is spreading amen 😂
Dawn wrote on October 24, 2024 at 11:35 pm
Please pray for me please pray for my mom she has a cyst growing in her stomach please pray that God will heal her does it doesn't turn into cancerous please pray for my sister she's going through hand surgery her hands are numbing pain so please pray for her recovery please pray for myself me I have severe high blood pressure I have lots of pains in my knees have severe arthritis in my knees I can't barely walk I have slight diabetes please pray for my recovery please pray that God will heal me in my family that we recover physically I'm going for a mammogram they found something in my breast please pray it's not cancerous please pray I don't lose my house somewhere I'm living I am happy and I'm at peace where I'm living and I want to stay that way I want to keep my house and it still be at peace where I'm living please find my conservator is my family that you will fight and have to get from me to keep my house that she will speak up for my behalf and for my rights please bring my conservator will talk to a caseworker to put me on all the agency waiting list for other agency house and please pray I go on a waiting list for other agency house and the owner that owns the home she's putting it up for sale please pray I get housing before that happens that I don't be on the streets or homeless if when she sells the house please pray that God will forgive my sins that God will save my soul and rest my soul at peace and rest with him that my sister won't forgive and God will have mercy on my past and present since that I get forgiveness I'll be at peace and light with God in my family the God will bless me my family with the holy Spirit that God will protect me and my family from violence danger disasters into this wickedness of this world that God will keep us safe from harm amen 😭😊
wrote on October 8, 2024 at 6:23 pm
Please pray for those who have been devastated by hurricane Helene. And thank you WOTR for this website. With love and prayers.
Michael wrote on October 6, 2024 at 7:43 pm
Please ask YHVH to bring peace in my family's life.