Prayer Requests & Praises

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434 entries.
Jacqueline wrote on December 31, 2023 at 4:37 pm
Hi ! I Jacqueline Writing For Prayer. I Am A Senior And Praying God Cancel The Spirit Of Fear From My Life. I Need Peace,Joy,Happiness. God Bless
BH wrote on December 30, 2023 at 1:13 am
I need healing for my health and kidneys and that the Lord would intervene
wrote on December 26, 2023 at 8:32 pm
We were involved in a terrible car accident. While my husband was waiting to make a left turn, a van slammed into us at about 50 miles per hour, knocking us through the intersection. And we found out the other driver didn't even have a driver's license. We ended up going to the hospital. We are still in lots of pain and have numerous follow up appointments ahead of us. To make matters worse our car was declared not driveable and was totalled. The other insurance company was supposed to send us a check so we could get another vehicle, but we still haven't received it. Meanwhile, we have a car rental until Friday. After that we won't have a car and therefore no way to look for another vehicle. Please pray we will get the funding we need asap to get another vehicle, and one that is affordable. We live on a fixed income and a very tight budget. We can't afford monthly car payments.
Dawn wrote on December 8, 2023 at 7:32 pm
Please pray for me Dawn 🙏 henbest please pray for my family my sister and bandera and my Aunt Janice please pray for me that God will forgive me all my sins that God will heal me physically mentally emotionally that God will save me he only spiritually and rescue me for my sins please pray for my family that God will forgive them for their sins and rescue them from their sins that they become safe like me please pray for me please pray I don't lose my house and all my benefits please pray that I say stay in physical good health that I can still walk and not being pain anymore I had trouble walking I didn't think I could ever walk again because I was in so much pain please pray I can still walk in that suffering pain please pray for my Aunt Donna because I will touch her heart that she will stop holding angry and grudges towards me from the past please pray to God will touch your heart that we can get close together in a relationship like we were we had a good relationship of relationship is falling apart because he's holding a grudge in anger please play that God will change her heart around to be a loving caring person like she was towards me we don't keep in touch anymore she doesn't let me do overnights and come over and spend time at the House 🏡 because she's holding a lot of angry grudges please pray I can start spending the night at the house please pray that we can get closer relationship together please pray that she will let me come over again and we could be a family please pray I don't lose my family my aunt is my conservator please pray I never lose my relationship with her that I will never lose her as a family please pray that we stay close together I never lose my sister Amanda please pray that we keep close together have a good relationship as a family please pray I don't lose my monthly income that I get every month I had problems with my monthly income I almost lost everything I could have lost my house and been homeless please pray I don't lose my income State money that I still have house in over my head amen 🙏
Shelly wrote on December 4, 2023 at 5:52 am
Please pray for me to be healed from anxiety and worry. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!
Andrew wrote on November 17, 2023 at 11:49 am
Healing for bipolar disorder, sorrow praise God for healing me amen thank you for all your prayers God bless you I appreciate them
wrote on November 10, 2023 at 8:09 pm
My friend's mother broke her hip. Miranda would fully surrender to Jesus, come back to church, and read her Bible. Thanks
Dawn wrote on November 6, 2023 at 3:07 am
Please pray for me I'm in trouble in the group home 😭 trying to keep my family in my house and they're accusing me for stealing the key in the group home and I'm innocent they want to fingerprint they want to fingerprint the key box please find that they don't come and do that because I'm innocent just starting problems in the group call me administrator she's threatening me threatening my family to have me another placement this way they don't come in and do it fingerprints because I don't want to fingerprint the home everybody touches everything I don't understand why you're accusing me making my family turn against me and believe in them please pray my family don't believe them don't just stay by my side that they fight for me and fight for justice for me that my family will believe me if my battle and stay by my side you're not turn on me because of the group home please pray I don't lose my family my house because of this please pray my family will stay by my side and fight for my battle and a group home I am being tortured for key that is missing please pray that the cop don't come and do no fingerprints if it does happen and they find nothing because I am being used with something I don't have they went through my belongings they went through my stuff they didn't find nothing instead of Google doesn't know when to back off and leave me alone about this I am being tortured in the group home and mentally abused over key please pray my family will fight my battle stick up for me and support me and stay by my side they're turning my family against me and you're the only family I have is why I don't lose my house any of my family because of this please pray for my pet my pet mouse they're trying to kill and the poison out bait to kill them they are God's creatures please pray for their safety there protection that is survive and not go near the poison that they will survive and not die the God will protect them watch over him and keep him safe and danger in group home that they will survive in that day will not die from it they're endangered and they are in my pets that God will protect them watch over them and keep them safe in the home the God will protect me and watch over me that I keep my house and in my family the holidays is right around corner amen 🙏😞😭🥺
Dawn wrote on November 3, 2023 at 1:02 pm
Please pray for me I live in a group home they're blaming me for everything in the group home they're picking on me they're calling cops they get fingerprints they don't torturing me threatening my ass threatened to put me out of the home they want to find fingerprints just use it against me please pay my family will fight for me speak up for me be there for me to support me in this time of trouble that she is my conservator please pray she believes me she won't let them torture me and she won't let them kick me out of the home but she will be there for me please play that they find nothing cuz I'm innocent when they have the cars come I mean judged in the house being discriminated please pray and things will be at peace in the house but the cops don't find anything that I don't lose my aunt as my conservator as my family I was abused child and she took me in and raised me and I don't want to lose her as my mom she is my mom I don't want to lose her in my lose her because she is my conservator and my family please play for my pets 😭 mouses people are killing in torturing them they are God's creatures putting poison out trying to kill them please pray then they will survive and not die please pray that they will stop poisoning them that they won't go near the poisonous that they will survive they are my pets they're loving caring creatures when people in the home want to kill them poison them please but I deal with survive it and I die that God will protect them and watch over them and keep them safe from home amen 😭😞🏠
Dawn wrote on October 31, 2023 at 10:53 pm
Please pray my house and is that crisis I'm afraid of fighting I will be homeless and have no place to live the owner of the house and that owns the house she's threatened to put me out in homeless and my aunt is not fighting for me she's disagreeing with it I pray that my aunt will fight for me and speak up for me and I keep my house that I don't be homeless cuz she will stick up for me and make sure that I don't become homeless and stay by my side she is my conservator I just pray that she won't give up on me and be at my conservative that she will protect me and protect my house and speak up for me and fight my battle with the owner threatened to evict me from the home it's all because of a lost key that I'm getting blamed for for a lost key and their own threat to investment and my aunt doesn't seem to care and I pray that she will fight and God will touch her heart and then my aunt will care and not let the the owner destroyed me putting me in the streets because it's getting very cold out there in my house is in the crisis I please need all your prayers to keep me where I'm living but my aunt my desert will open up her eyes and see that the owner of the house that lives there of the group home we'll see that she's in troublemaker because the problem and my aunt will look at it and see the difference and change your eyes around a little hard around to be by my side and not to be by herself but you will fight my battle I'm struggling to keep my answer it's over I lost key does the owner accusing me of taking I pray that this will pass by or I use your prayers it's just so bad love you all, 😭🏡🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lloyd wrote on October 31, 2023 at 1:52 pm
pray for those animals astray during the cold season
Dawn wrote on October 27, 2023 at 4:17 pm
Please pray for me my house and is a Jeopardy they threatened microserver that they will victory please pray that I don't get evicted trying to make a conservative will fight for me to keep my house is that the owner of the house and that lives there we're back off and leave me alone that I keep my house in my ankle fight and speak up for me she is microserver I never lose my family all my conservator please pray I don't lose my house so please pray it doesn't get worse where I live that they will be peace where I live please pray that this is a crisis I'm a conservative with speak up for me and fight for me that doesn't come to the point that point that my conservative don't have to call the state I'm the owner of the house and Group Home 🏠 I don't want anymore any issues in the hallway where I live I just pray for my pets but they don't get killed people in group home 😞 who wants to kill them I think that's very cool to hurt them that God's creatures because it's stronger and smell down the basement please write it on smell it in my room amen 😞🏠💝 please pray that my conservator my family will protect me I'm losing my house and please pray I don't lose my state income to live into this group home 🏡 thank you for your prayers and your support amen
wrote on October 9, 2023 at 7:08 am
A friend contacted me and told me that her husband is in ICU. They don't know what's wrong. And he's the only family that she has in the world. Please pray that he will make a complete and speedy recovery. Thanks.
wrote on October 9, 2023 at 7:05 am
Hello. I previously requested prayer. My husband is disabled and I'm his caregiver. We were facing homelessness. However, thank God and thank you for your prayers, we got another place to live in the knick of time. It's a lot smaller and it costs a lot more, but I'm grateful to have a roof over our heads. We'll just have to downsize and be very frugal.
Dawn wrote on October 7, 2023 at 2:02 am
Please pray for me I'm falling into the sinful wicked world I am committing so much sin into this wicked sinful world I have a severe good conscious spiritually I'm falling into sin I'm trouble spiritually for my sins I pray for Mercy for God to forgive me I feel rejected for my sin so I put God down and I reject God's love please pray that God will forgive me and wash away all my sins that I don't lose my salvation that I become a born-again Christian again that God will save my soul and rest my soul rest in peace that I don't fear and go to hell I fear hell and I'm free of going to hell because of my sins please pray that I will be with God the paradise and my sins will forgiven and go wash away my past present and future sins please pray please pray that God will heal me spiritually heal my soul he only physically I suffer from so much pain in my body my legs I have trouble walking on my legs I suffer from severe pain I have trouble getting up and walking I suffer from severe pain please way to go heal me and take away all my pain where I can walk better I'm just so afraid I won't be able to walk anymore because the pain is severe please pray to God we hear me physically please pray for my pets I live in the group home and people want to hurt my pets they are God's creatures I love all God's creatures in the bottom of my heart I'm an angel sent to God's creatures I'm very protected over God's creatures please pray that God will protect them and watch over them at all times even when I'm not there people want to kill them poison them and I think that is very mean to do that to any of God's creatures please pray for their safety in the home they deserve to live too and they're all God's creatures please pray for my pet mice please pray to God what touch my aunt Donna's heart that we can have a better relationship that we get more closer together the holidays are coming please pray that she wouldn't let me do it overnight at the house when the holidays are coming with my sister Amanda that we could be a family again for the holidays that she will let me spend Christmas Eve at the house with my sister Amanda we can spend the holidays and enjoy the Christmas holidays together as a family the God will touch her heart and that she changes her heart around not the whole grudges that you won't let me come and do overnights again she's holding the garage towards me about overnights from the past and she's not letting it go please pray to God will touch your heart I can do overnight and she will let the past go and do I will change her heart around please pray to my aunt in Florida that she will come out for Christmas please pray that she will come out for Christmas and we could be together as a family she's not coming out this Christmas and that bothers me and my sister Amanda we want to be a family please pray that things and plans would change and she will be out here for Christmas we could be together and celebrate as a family please pray that I don't lose my benefits I don't lose my state my my income that I'm receiving for benefits please play I don't lose them at least but I don't lose my conservator my aunt she's my conservative if I lose my benefits I lose my conservator please why I keep my bad offense and I keep having my aunt as my conservator please where I don't lose my housing or any other reason please say that my aunt will come from Florida to Connecticut we can spend some time together and be a family again she lives in Florida please pray she will come we could be a family and we can spend time with me her and my sister Amanda please pray to my aunt will speak up for me that she was stand by my side the time of trouble if I'm having trouble at the group home please say that she will fight and stick up for me and she would speak up for me in a time of trouble that she will back me up and protect me and that she will speak up when I'm in trouble he will fight my battle and be there for me in the time of trouble I'm having trouble right now in the group home I'm living in please pray that she would speak up for me and fighting for me from where I can stay there and when she can speak up and I keep harassing like a server 😭🙏😔❣️❣️
wrote on September 25, 2023 at 12:19 pm
My husband is disabled and I'm his caregiver. We are days away from being homeless unless we will have enough to pay the security deposit. A friend recommended that I do an online fundraiser. I posted on both Fundly and GoFundMe for my husband. The name of the fundraisers are Disabled and Almost Homeless. Please pray that they will be successful. If not then we will be homeless by October 1st. Our health is spiraling downward and I think if we become homeless our health will completely bottom out. Thanks for your prayers.
Brian wrote on September 20, 2023 at 6:10 pm
Our old manager left. New one took over. Lots of changes at work. My hours are all over the place. I'm Full time and have benefits, but hours are being shifted around and cut. I pray that I continue to get full time, as close to 40 a week as I can. I have bills to pay and medical issues. And that work situation gets better with my coworkers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
M wrote on September 20, 2023 at 10:54 am
Praying that my wife who suffers from chronic pain will be able to get a medication that she needs. This has been a difficult and stressful journey for her.
Dawn wrote on September 17, 2023 at 5:28 pm
Please pray for me I suffer from pain in my legs I'm afraid that I will have trouble walking in the future I'm 50 years old please pray that God will heal my pain through my legs I have trouble walking I'm going to put I'm afraid in the future I won't be able to walk please pray that God will touch my aunt Donna's heart change her heart around she's holding grudges and judging me from the past I gave her a card and then I took the card cuz I wanted to give it to my conservator she's holding a grudge towards me because of that our relationship is falling apart please pray to God will touch your heart that you will stop holding a nasty garage towards me I want a relationship to be at peace she won't let me come over the house for overnights cuz she's holding the garage I don't understand why was that please pray that she will forgive me and move on and we can be at peace in a relationship the holidays is coming up and she refused to have me do overnights please pray to God will touch your heart change your heart around where I could do overnights again at the house that we can be a family again like we were in the past please pray I live in group home please pray I don't lose my house and for any other sake I'm afraid of losing my house and being homeless on the streets I have fear in that please pray I don't lose my aunt in Florida as a family she is my conservator and she pays my rent if I lose her I have nobody in my life please pray I don't lose my income my medication come my state income I almost lost it in the past cuz of issue problems I could have been homeless out in the streets and had nowhere to go my conservator was going to give up on me and not be in my life please but I don't lose that state money to make for me to live on and survive please pray I don't lose my aunt as my conservative please pray she would always be in my life that we never lose each other cuz she's the only family I got please pray for my sister Amanda please pray that we don't lose each other or fall apart then we spend more time together and be together more she lives in Connecticut the same state I live in please pray she would always be there for me when I need her please pray for my pets think I will protect them and watch watch over them people want to kill them and harm them and now people tried to kill them and harm them and I'm trying to protect them please pray for them for their safety in her house in the house please pray for my pet my pet mouses I feed them and take care of them and I don't want to own it to know I'm doing it cuz I can get caught and lose my house and it sounds crazy but they're God's creatures I love all God's nature and creatures how many angels sent from heaven to protect his creatures I believe that I worry about them getting caught and getting killed there was plenty of them got killed it was so cold it broke my heart seeing that it got me very angry and very upset because I love all God's creatures amen 😔💓💓💓💓💓🏠
wrote on September 15, 2023 at 6:25 am
This is a praise report and a prayer request. It's an update from a previous prayer request. My husband is disabled. I'm his caregiver. We only have until the end of this month to get another home or we will be homeless. Previously I requested prayer that we would be able to remain in our home until the end of the month. Thankfully the judge agreed because we did pay the rent for September. We're not being evicted for not paying rent. We're being evicted after our new landlord said he wants to tear down our home. However, now we only have 15 days to get another place. We found another home, but we don't have the deposit money. I'm working as hard as I can to earn it. I've also applied for grants. Please pray that I'll be earn the money we need for the deposit asap. Otherwise we may end up living in our car. I think that would destroy my husband's health.