Prayer Requests & Praises

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434 entries.
wrote on October 6, 2024 at 5:36 pm
Please agree with me to lift many angels to flight in asking Father to do everything possible to prompt Ron to reach out to me soon for honest, tender dialogue, amends, and peace in Christ.
wrote on August 26, 2024 at 6:59 pm
Please pray that God will do whatever it takes for my husband to be saved and delivered. Please pray for his salvation, that he'll truly be born again and converted. And please pray that he will be completely delivered from all abuse, anger, bitterness, cursing/profanity, deception, hatred, unforgiveness, and all other unbiblical emotions, thoughts, words, and deeds.
j Reuel wrote on June 28, 2024 at 11:34 am
My heart aches (Matthew 25:40). Pray for mercy from dishonest municipalities. The supreme court just ruled that city/county governments can punish people for sleeping anywhere they don't own or rent even when there's no shelter space. This means that people Christ calls "the least of these" can be jailed for simply needing rest. Using a blanket or rolling up a shirt to use as a pillow (Case was from Grant's Pass Oregon) is enough.
Dawn wrote on June 27, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Please pray I live in a group home the administrative owner issues and things and she's using the staff against me she's trying to use my family against me she's very sneaky trying to have me a evicted of the group home she does not like me and my family and she's using the higher up agency to make lies and gossip against me for them to turn against me to have me removed from the group home for no reason I am innocent she's horse and problems for me she is the owner that runs the group home please ran my family will speak up for me and protect me and fight for my battles and fight for my rights in the home that I will keep my house that they will be there in a time of trouble in crisis that I'm going through that they would not let her win the Battle of me losing my house and that my family will win the battle against her she is our enemies 💔😭🏠
B.H. wrote on June 26, 2024 at 5:23 pm
Please pray for me, I need the lord to help me.
Farmers of Pennsylvania wrote on June 23, 2024 at 9:36 pm
Please pray The Lord will bless us with His amazing gifts of rain for the health of our crops, trees and lands. Asking this request in the Awesome Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying and God Bless all of you.
Anonymous wrote on June 22, 2024 at 11:35 pm
Pray Gil will not get deceased brothers car from impound lot.Gil drove WITHOUT driver's license, car registration, insurance for 18 months.Gil can't get driver license DUIs.
KJ wrote on June 21, 2024 at 7:22 pm
.Pray alternator repair, pray4 mechanic fix root of problem fix asap need car to drive home after 12 delay parts delivery.
Dawn wrote on June 21, 2024 at 2:13 am
Please pray please pray for My pet mouses they are God's creatures people killing them poisoning them trap trap them they don't deserve to suffer and they are God's creatures makes me very angry how people torture them and kill them they're part of God's creation try to save them and protect them to keep them alive please pray for their safety and their protection and God will watch over the pen protect them I'm harmful people that wants to hurt them and tell them it's very it's coldiness to kill them I'm an angel to protect our God's creatures and I need help and I need prayer please pray I don't lose my house the owner of the landlord something against me and my family he's letting so evictment import me out for no reason she lies and spice gossip to my family for my family to victim from the home please pray they don't believe anything she says that my family will stick up and fight for my battle to keep my handsome I don't lose my house because of her please afraid of my family will speak up for me and fight my battle and be there for me in the time of trouble in Christ she is my concern and my sister speak up and fight for me and always tell her mom everything that I tell her that goes on in the home very fearful and afraid of losing my house and I am happy there she's trying to rule my happyness in my peace in the home 🏠 he's crying that I keep my house and I don't lose my house anymore homeless in the streets please pray for my mom she's my aunt she has two assists in her stomach he's straight up God will heal her and make her better please pray for my sisters Amanda she gets in too many car accidents and you spread a gun will protect her on the road keep her safe please pray that God will forgive me my sins save you for my sins have mercy on me heal me from all my sins that I could be at peace with God and I can be in heaven peace with God I fear hell and for my family and to me the world is coming to an end it's getting close to it or this crisis is going on in the world that's a sign Jesus is coming please where I become a born again Christian please pray for my sister 😭 my God will open her eyes and save her from her sins that she becomes a child of God soon as possible please pray for my mom 💖 that God will save her from her sins that she become saved and appointing Christian that she works on the way from her sins amen 😭🙏
Dead Betrayes wrote on May 26, 2024 at 4:30 am
Sick in body, soul and mind. Please pray God would release me to His presence. Thank yuh ou
Dead wrote on May 26, 2024 at 4:21 am
Pray God would love me. How can He say He loves someone when He beats some of daily their entire life?
Dawn wrote on May 24, 2024 at 1:26 am
Pray for me pray God will forgive me my sins God cleans me the holy Spirit that God will heal me from all my sins I become saved as a child of God I fear hell the world is coming close to it and afraid of God will rest my soul in peace with him the God will bless me by the holy Spirit that all my bad surprises since I forgive him please pray for my family my mom and my sister Janice and Amanda please pray that God will heal them from their sins that their eyes will open up and become safe and come closer to God the God will open up their heart to them that they become a born again Christian pray for my family play for my sister Amanda that she is safe on the road when she's driving she's been in three car accidents and God will protect her and watch out for her pay for my mom Janice she has a tumor in her stomach please pray to God we hear her heal her that's a tumor will go away and don't turn to cancer please pray for my my pets my pets mouses in the home they're all God's creatures and people cruelty to them and killing them poisoning wouldn't baits out they don't deserve to suffer who's better with survive and live and I will protect them and watch over them that no more than would not die they are God's creatures I love all God's creatures and not to see them suffer and die that upsets me he gets me very angry please pray I live in a group home and the owner that's something against me and my family she's trying to put me out of the home 🏠 saying gossiping lies that's not true to my family that please pray they don't believe any of that she's saying that they will stay by my side and talk out and speak up for my rights no that she will fight him like a server that I never lose my house so that I will stay living there cuz I'm happy I love where I'm living my feel of Peace where I'm living buggy owner is trying to put me out trying to find reasons excuse to let me out thank you put out I'll be home without the streets she's where I don't lose my house 🏠 that's been bothering me for a long time fear and being home and losing my house and I don't want to be home this down the streets in the cold stomach conservator will fight and speak up for me any time of trouble and my sister will speak out and fight for me I go to a clinic for treatment in West Haven mental health clinic the threatened me discharge me this way I don't lose my clinic for my treatment my help and my support that didn't discharge me from the program this way that I will stay getting my treatment there and I'll be discharged in the near future they threaten me and threatening my family 😭 my mom my conservative get a lot of paperwork to get me in there she had a difficult hard time getting me in all that paperwork she had to do was frustrating her she was about to give up doing it please try that she don't have to do those paperwork again it is torture and frustrated to get me into a clinic please pray for my physical health I've been suffering health issues please pray that God will heal me from all sickness that I become healthy amen 🙏😭❤️
Dawn wrote on May 17, 2024 at 10:05 pm
🥺 like always held me for my sins that God will rest my soul in peace and rest with him that I can forgive myself that I become saved and get salvation in my life I feel conscious when I sit I feel hell please pray to God we'll have mercy on me for my sins I become a born again Christian I do believe in God in my heart spirit and soul but my sins are bothering me every time I sin I violated my spirit in my relationship with God please pray that God will have peace for me and I can be at peace with God and knowing everything will be okay please pray for my pet mouses people are very Cronus to them please pray to God will save them and protect them that they don't have to suffer in death anymore that they will live through poison and Bates around them that is killing them lots of them have to hide and it makes me very upset and angry because they were God's creatures I love all God's creatures to protect our God's creatures I try to fight to keep them alive and protect them it's like winning a battle with evil please pray that the others will survive and not die or suffer that God will protect them and watch over them in the home please pray my mom my aunt is my conservative please pray that she will fight and protect me in my rights in the home that she will speak up in the time of trouble days spreading gossip landlord to get me out of there to her that she don't believe any of the gossip and may spreading about me it's at me put out of the home and for other reasons please pray she will be there for me in the time of trouble when I really need her that she would text my house and she would text my rights in the home that I don't lose my house and for any other reasons the landlord has something against me and my family and she's trying real hard to get me out of the home please pray it don't work that my aunt will fight and speak up for me and fight for my rights in the time of trouble 😵‍💫
Andrew Pick wrote on May 17, 2024 at 8:29 am
Pray for Andrew Pick healing from depression bipolar disorder and protection over mental health and God helps me so I don't have to check into mental hospital ever again praise God also block the enemy attacking my body mind emotions and remove curses off my life God to help me and spiritual happiness and strength and God to draw himself close to me praise God also remove all spiritual blocks causing blocks to my healing perform this healing maricle for me to strengthen my relationship with God
wrote on May 8, 2024 at 10:30 pm
My gums and teeth are in excruciating pain. And I think I have another abscess. My dentist said I need $10,000 worth of dental work. I don't have that much, nor do I have dental insurance. Please pray for God's healing and provision. Thanks.
Ruben wrote on May 8, 2024 at 6:48 pm
If you would please pray that Brian and I would get the extensions we need for our living situation I would appreciate it. Also, if you would pray for health, healing and salvation for Brian, Allen, Danny, Derrel, Samuel, Timuson, Jose, Fernando and Arturo. Please pray for they are able to get their lives together and that The LORD provides for all their spiritual and material needs. Thanks.
Dawn wrote on May 7, 2024 at 12:56 am
Please pray for my mom Janice she has assist in her stomach please pray that she will heal for me please pray for my pet mouses they are God's creatures people killing them and being coolness to them and people are killing them please pray for their safety and their protection and no help please pray that they will survive through the bait and poison and they were with please 🙏 that I don't lose my house 🏠 please pray for my sister Amanda that she will drive safe on the road please pray my mom she is my conservator please let us do a fight for me that I keep my house up this way that she will win the battle against the staff that's going going up against me that she will fight and speak up for me and the time of trouble with the staff she will win the battle to keep my house 🏠 please play The God we heal me from all my sins that I become saved that I've become a born again Christian a God will heal me from all my sense that God will blessed me by the holy Spirit and save my soul and rest my soul at peace in heaven the God will have mercy on me that I can rest at peace with God please pray to God we heal my family from their sins the God rest their soul at peace and heaven with me that they become safe they become a boring and Christian amen 🙏😭❤️
Dawn wrote on April 30, 2024 at 11:16 pm
God bless me with all of my heart ❤️ Save me from all of my sins and heal me spiritually and physically mentally emotionally heal me spiritually and I get eternal life with God in heaven 💗 and I become saved from all of my sins and heal me from all of my sins and heal my family from evilness of sins and me to my family because saved and get salvation in their lives and they believe in God and Jesus Christ will heal thim special and physically and emotionally and mentally and God will protect us from evilness and wickedness in this world and me to from evil from this world 🌎 and I don't not lose my house and my family will fight for me and stay away by my side and support me and protect me from loss my house 🏠 and God will protect my pet mouses people are very crawled towards my pet mouses people are killing them and putting out Bates and poison to hurt them they are God's creatures and please pray for them and God will protect them and watch over them from people killing them and hurts them they live and survive Thank you God bless you all love you all ❣️
Jenny wrote on April 25, 2024 at 11:04 pm
Lord, please prepare a humble, devoted, Godly man to be my husband and prepare me to be, similarly, a Godly, submissive wife. Please continue to work in Ron to be that husband, an prepare us both to serve in the ministry together in Your timing. Thank you, Lord. In Christ, Amen.
Michelle wrote on April 23, 2024 at 7:01 am
Please pray for me to healed from this anxiety disorder. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!