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Your Bible Questions Answered


Do you have a question about the Bible or anything to do with the Christian life? If so, let us know and we'll do our best, by God's grace, to help you out. We don't claim to have all the answers, but we know that the Lord does, and so we ask God to give us His wisdom in everything we do. After all, the Bible tells us that He's just waiting to give everyone a portion of His very own wisdom! (James 1:5


- The Christian Life -


I feel far away from God. How can I get closer to Him?

How do you get back your first love for Christ?

As Christians, how are we supposed to view and respond to other non-Christian cultures, especially other religious cultures?

Does God want us to seek perfection and stop sinning?  Is that really even possible for us as human beings?

What are the requirements in order to be baptized with the Holy Spirit?

I believe the Bible has the answer to all questions in life.  How can I support this in discussion?

How can we know if we have received the Holy Ghost?  If I speak in tongues?

Can a person lose their salvation?

I'm a Christian and I have a friend who is of a different religion.  Is it a good idea to talk about Christianity with her?

Should Christians get tattoos?

Do Christians still have to pay tithe?



Is Halloween for Christians?





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