How to Find
True Fulfillment in Jesus
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The Lord realizes that our sins will lead to nothing but misery and death, and that is why He has chosen to take care of this debt that we ourselves could never pay. "For He understands how weak we are; He knows we are only dust." Psalm 103:14. Friends, don't ever think that you have gone too far or that God can't possibly forgive your past, because His grace always reaches lower than your worst mistakes and sins, regardless of what they may be. In John 1:29, Jesus is called "the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." If He has the ability to take away the sins of an entire world, don't you think He can cleanse away any sin of yours? |
It is so vitally important that we understand the fact that all of us have been tainted by this sickness called sin. But fortunately, we have the only antidote available right at our fingertips. It is the blood of Jesus, the Great Physician. 1 John 1:7 explains that "the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin." The Lord is willing and more than able to remove any guilt, any stain, any sin. Jesus has already paid for it all. There isn't anything that He can't take care of. |
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