A Story of God's Power: How God changed Jeff and Anne |
Word of Truth Radio is the Lord's ministry. It always has been. None of this would be possible if it were not for His miraculous ability to transform people's lives and to provide them with the resources of heaven. This section of our website is a testimony to the amazing power of Jesus Christ: a portrait of His grace in action! Our intent is not to draw attention to any human being, but to bring glory and praise to the God of heaven, the One to whom all the credit is due...
"God forbid
that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."
This Internet radio station was launched in December 2001 and is operated by
Jeff and Anne Strong, a husband and wife team. The studio is located in the beautiful
Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Daggett, MI to be exact), where deer are plentiful than
people and the woods are always near. The Lord has truly blessed Jeff and Anne
with the privilege of sharing His message of love and mercy through Word of Truth
Radio, especially since they started out with little more than an idea, a few CD's, and
a problematic computer (Praise God that things certainly have changed since then!).
But the greatest demonstration of God's power is seen in the way that Christ has worked within their hearts to bring this couple where they are today...
From a sweet, little girl
To a high
school stoner?
Although Anne was brought up by a faithful mother, a loving dad, and she attended private
Christian schools, it wasn't long before she was drawn away by the "excitement" that this
world has to offer. As her teenage years went on, she started smoking, drinking, dying her
hair crazy colors, and listening to heavy grunge music while she slowly drifted further away
from the Lord. Anne wanted to do things her way and didn't want anyone to tell her what to do.
It wasn't long before she didn't want anything to do with God or church, but she was now more
interested in partying and having what she thought was "a good time", not realizing then the devastating
consequences that would be the result of these choices. |
Jeff started smoking and drinking before he was even out of grade school. By the time he was a freshman in high school,
Jeff was getting high on weed after school during the week and out
drinking on the weekends. His life revolved around partying and skateboarding and though he had a talent for skating, Jeff was
slowly becoming the epitome of wasted potential. All throughout grade school, Jeff was consistently among the top ranking students,
but now he was wasting his brain away with drugs and punk rock music. His grades began to slip, and his attitude towards others was going steadily downhill as
violence and rebellion began to fill his heart.
"Things like lying to parents, vandalizing, and stealing weren't really that big of a deal to me. As long as I was having fun, I didn't care if my actions were hurting
anyone else. I was living life my way, but believe me, I felt that something was missing. I knew that things were not right because, for one thing, there was no real
happiness in my life. I also knew there was a God and I felt convicted that my actions were sinful, but instead of letting Christ in, I just closed my ears to Him and
searched for other things to fill that emptiness within. I also thought I was a tough punk rocker, and didn't want to be seen as a weak Christian. My parents gave me a Bible when I was in junior high and I can remember actually reading parts of it and believing it,
but at that time I didn't want to listen to the Bible because it went against the image I was trying to create for myself and I thought that my plans and things like weed were better than what God offered, but I had to learn
the hard way that I was wrong, incredibly wrong! So I went on ignoring God."
"Therefore He says: Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.....For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light"
2:14 & 8
Anne made up her mind that she didn't want to be bogged down with all the extra
rules and regulations of a Christian Academy, so she chose to transfer to a public school at the beginning of her senior year,
which happened to be the same school Jeff was attending. Within a few weeks, she met Jeff (a junior at the time).
They started going out together and their relationship quickly became serious. That school year was a blur of drinking and getting high.
Anne graduated that following spring and she was able to scrape together enough money to buy an old Toyota truck. Now they had better transportation,
which made it easier to spend that summer partying, camping out, and driving around stoned. But just when they thought things seemed to going so great for them, tragedy struck!
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