Dear WOTR listeners: We are in the process of moving to a new streaming server for better performance and stability. If you have any trouble tuning in, please launch the station directly from our website to ensure that you are not connecting to the old server (which will soon go offline). Please let us know if you have any trouble tuning in and we’ll be happy to help. Thank you for all your prayers and support!

I have trouble tuning in, pls tell me how do I launch your station directly from your website? Thanks.
6 December 2019
Hello, you can launch directly from our website by using the “Listen” links at the top. Does that work for you? Please let us know and we’ll be happy to further assist you!
I’ve also not been able to tune in to Instrumental Hymns for a few days now.
I also cannot get any audio from any of the buttons on your web page,
In some cases, my browser will download a RAM, PLS or WAX file, and either the local player gives no audio, or an error message complains about a missing file.
I have tried Edge and Chrome, and I use UMPlayer or Windows Media player.
And, my internet radio no longer plays the address on
Too bad, I loved your station.
Well, that’s weird, I tried again and everything works. Not sure what I did wrong the first time. Sounds good, will try to get it working on my internet radio.
Hi Gary, glad everything is working for you now! We had to reboot our streaming server earlier so that could’ve been while you were trying to tune in.
Web and internet radio work AOK.
Do you have an app?
I had launch directly from your website by using the “Listen” links at the top. But it does not work for me.
We recently discovered an issue with Google Chrome update that was causing this problem. We made some adjustments to our site and it should be fixed now. Please try again and let us know if it works for you now. Thank you and God bless!
To whom this may concern,
I am not able to stream this station. The media player does not work even after the download. What can I do. I do not want to download a bunch of media player applications that don’t work. Thank you in advance for answering my question.
Hello Sheila,
We had an issue with our streaming server today, so that may have been the problem. Are you able to use our web player? You shouldn’t need to download anything to use it. You should be able to just go to the page of the station you want to listen to and then hit play on the web player. Please let us know if you need more help and we’ll be happy to assist.
My mother is a regular listener to WOTR Instrumental Radio…loves it. I am an occasional listener…great content…a real blessing.
She listens on an older iPad using Safari (the IOS is somewhat outdated). She cannot stream from the new server. I have an identical iPad…no luck. Tried with my Macbook Pro laptop running Safari on OS X…also no luck. Prefer not to use one of the Apps. They want to sell upgrades, etc. Help!
I’m so sorry to hear this! We recently made some optimizations so please try again and let us know if it works for you and your mother now. We also added a link at the very bottom of the listen page for an alternative web player that should work if nothing else will. Please let us know if this fixes the issue or not and we’ll be happy to offer further assistance.
Jeff and Anne
I have been listening for many years now , thank you for providing great spiritual music. Well my problem is every time, a new update comes out for iOS , I have a problem connecting to your site on MyTuner Radio , usually it works after couple hours , it’s been to day, and I understand addiction to something, but thank God it’s glorifying Him. So it’s says error try another station, and of course they’re working, but yours isn’t, can you help, I did purchase it over many years ago , so thank may God bless you and your ministry. Everett.
I’ve contacted WOTR twice; (different questions) but nobody answers my enquiries. This time; I am no longer able to stream WOTR through TuneIn. I subscribe to Sirius XM. TuneIn sent me the following message:
“Hi Brian, Thank you for responding. We’re very sorry for the late reply. The station WOTR needs to be updated, as there are currently no streams playing on the station. Please go ahead and let the owners know, then ask them to contact us so we can work together to have the station play content once more.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Bethanie B.
TuneIn Support Representative
My wife and I regularly listen to your station, and would like to once again listen through our living room speakers. Does this have anything to do with your upgrade? Please let me know if/when WOTR will be available?
Thank you.
Brian Dougan
Hi Brian,
I apologize. We’ve had some issues with our contact form and we weren’t receiving all of the emails, so I didn’t see your question before. This station is also a one man part-time operation and my health also isn’t the greatest as a paraplegic, so I really appreciate your patience.
We contacted Tunein several months ago and they weren’t able to fix the issue, but I submitted another ticket this morning so hopefully that does the trick.
In the meantime, are you able to add direct URL links to your player? If so, please try one of these URLs and let me know if that works for you:
Thank you!
Hi Jeff,
Thank you! I didn’t think the station would let listener questions slide. Figured there was something else happening. You certainly do a fantastic job for a “one man part-time” position. Incidentally; I don’t recall my unanswered questions appearing in this public format. Once I saw this venue; I knew that I’d connect. Thanks for this option. (Before; I only remember seeing a “thank you” message; nothing else. That’s usually the case with online retailers. So….Returning to my question: I copied/pasted the URLs you linked; I’m afraid they didn’t work. 🙁 It was certainly worth a try; thank you. I added them through my Sonos app “add station” feature, and it came back: (URL 1) “Unable to play station” URL 2: “You already have this station.” I also tried directly through TuneIn; one of several streaming choices available on my Sonos app.
Jeff; does WOTR stream through any other online services. (E.g. Spotify.) It’s the same problem on my cell phone; I see WOTR; but no stream. I can listen alone (headphones) through Windows; but my wife and I both enjoy listening through the living room speakers.
Thank you Jeff. Most appreciated.
Thank you for your kind words, Brian! I heard back from TuneIn and they said they fixed the issue, but from what I can tell it is still the same. Please give it a test and let me know. I think the problem is that the URL they are using for our station listing is an older URL and they can’t seem to update the listing for some reason. I will keep trying to follow up with them.
To answer your other question, we don’t stream through Spotify. Unfortunately they don’t really allow smaller stations like WOTR, and most of their “stations” are just generated playlists rather than live streams like WOTR.
We stream directly to our own server, but we are listed on several directories including TuneIn. I am currently researching other ways to add stations to Sonos so I will let you know if I come up with anything in the meantime.
Thanks for your patience and I sincerely do apologize for the interruption of the stream and hope we can get everything running smoothly again for you ASAP!
Hi Jeff,
Me again. At this point (Sunday, March 3rd); No change. I’ll check TuneIn periodically, and let you know when the sounds of WOTR once again fill our home. 🙂 Thank you for looping me in, and for all of your efforts. Most appreciated.
God bless, and take care.
Good news Jeff!
It’s Tuesday, March 4th. We’re back in business; WOTR is once again streaming through TuneIn. Very happy! 🙂
Postscript: My previous comment should have read Sunday, March 2nd. I was one day ahead of myself.